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Please join our
We need your support to continue with our crucial programs.
Eating disorders affect every segment of our community. Although cases are usually kept under wraps so that few people are aware of the serious nature of the problem, it has silently devastated some of our finest families. By reaching out to Magen Avrohom, you may be reaching out to your own cousin or neighbor. That few people are aware of the serious nature of the problem, it has silently devastated some of our finest.
Magen Avrohom Sponsorship
(1 month)
School Awareness and Prevention
Crisis Intervention
Advocacy (1 month)
$1000 per struggler
Chizuk and Support Publications (1 month)
Teleconference Support Group
(1 month)
Case Managment
(1 month)
Show You Care
To Donate via Paypal

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